COVID-19 Mitigation Plan

Adventure racing is by nature a low risk activity relative to many other sports, however we will abide by general CDC and state guidelines, as well as our own precautionary measures, to minimize risk of transmission.

  • Masks and gloves will be provided for volunteers as well as disinfecting wipes for any hard surfaces. Hand sanitizer will be available for both volunteers and racers.

  • Event Participation—Any volunteer or racer exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave the event. This plan will be distributed electronically to racers and volunteers in advance of the race. Social distancing will be enforced, and signage will be posted on-site to reinforce protocol to racers and volunteers (see attached). The CDC guidelines we are monitoring and following can be found under Considerations for Events and Gatherings.

  • All racers will be required to wear a mask at Start/Finish/Transition areas and on the course whenever social distancing of 6’ before and after event, or 12’ during the race is not possible. Racers will be required to carry two masks with them as part of their mandatory gear.

  • Racers are required to pre-register and packet pick-up is virtual.

  • Participants race solo or in teams of no more than 4 people. Racers will be started in waves to spread out total number of participants at race Start & Finish.

  • Race Check-In, Pre-Race Briefing and the full course occur outdoors.

  • Teams select their own route between checkpoints, minimizing proximity between teams.

  • Courses are spread out over a large geographic area, further reducing proximity between teams.

  • Checkpoints may be touchless and captured by the teams using their personal cell phone.

  • If necessary, a cap will be put on registration. The limited field size will ensure adequate spacing of participants during pre- and post-race activities at the host venue and will reduce overall numbers on the course and in transition areas during the race.

  • Teams will be assigned a specific check-in and start time. A 6’ separation will be maintained between all teams during the check-in process, with a traffic controller assigned to enforce this rule. Check in will be a touchless process.

  • Race packets will be pre-assembled by volunteers with sanitized hands and masks at least 72 hours prior to check-in. Race packets will be placed on a table with team numbers prominently displayed, and retrieved by the team captain during check-in.

  • Volunteers and racers will be required to wear masks during check-in and any time social distancing of greater than 6’ cannot be adhered to. Signs will be prominently displayed instructing participants to maintain a distance of at least 6’ from other participants.

  • Pre-race Briefing—Written instructions and rules will be distributed to teams electronically, minimizing the duration of the pre-race briefing. Pre-race briefing will occur outside. Teams will be required to maintain 6’ of distance from other teams and volunteers during the briefing. Only one team member is required to attend the briefing. The briefing will be limited to welcoming remarks and a Q & A with respect to pre-distributed instructions and rules.

  • Map Distribution—Maps will be distributed prior to the race, electronically or picked up at check-in. Teams may study their maps in their vehicles or outdoors, appropriately spaced.

  • Race Start—Start times will be staggered to spread teams out quickly and avoid congestion. Waves, preferably by division, will start 45-minutes apart to allow for proper social distancing.

  • Transition Areas—By limiting the field, we will reduce overall number of people on the course and coming in and out of transition areas. Transition Areas will be set up with clearly demarcated lines and instructions, allowing only one participant per team to approach the volunteer table and ensuring 6’ of distance between racers approaching the volunteer table. Volunteers will maintain at least 6’ of distance from one another in Transition Areas at all times, and will wear masks if it is necessary to be in closer proximity with one another. Volunteers will wear masks at all times racers are in Transition Areas.

  • The Start/Finish/Transition Area will be equipped with hand sanitizer and a hand washing station for volunteers and racers. No drinks or food will be provided to racers during the race. Volunteers will be instructed to bring their own drinks and food to sustain them throughout their designated volunteer time slot.

  • Paddling—Teams will use only the boat and paddles provided to them, or personal paddle gear during the event. Teams may be required to load their own boats on the boat trailer after the paddle section. 

  • Finish—There will be multiple volunteers at the finish line to record finish times, ensuring teams are able to maintain space from other teams. The finish line check-in tables will be set up in the same manner as the TA tables, allowing only one racer per team to approach the volunteer table and ensuring 6’ of distance between racers approaching the volunteer table. Participants wishing to congregate will be directed to a large greenspace away from the check-in area, and instructed to maintain 6’ of distance between teams.

  • Post-Race—Awards ceremonies will be held for each division outdoors as soon as top teams finish, minimizing the number of racers congregating. Teams will be required to maintain 6’ of distance from other teams throughout the ceremony. Awards will be set out on tables in advance by volunteers with sanitized hands and masks, and clearly marked so that teams may approach the table and pick up their awards without contact. Teams will be asked to vacate the Start/Finish area as soon as awards are distributed. If food is provided, it will be a grab-and-go style meal.